How do I renew library materials that I have checked out?


There are three ways to renew library materials:

Online: Login to My Library Account.*

In person at the Circulation Desk: Simply present your Hawkeye Card, you do not have to bring the items to the Library.

By Phone: You will be asked for your name and either your Hawkeye Card number or library barcode number.

Please see our Renewals webpage for more information.

*To renew items yourself, you will need to go online. Hawkeye students and staff have their own account, "My  Library Card", that can be accessed via OneSearch or the Books & Videos tab on the Library homepage. Simply click on the Books & Videos tab or click in the OneSearch box to view the drop-down menu tab in the upper right hand corner.  If you are already signed in click on the drop-down arrow by your name.  Click on 'My Library Card' to view the items you have checked out. 

Click on VIEW ALL LOANS to see the items you have checked out.  Items may or may not be eligible for renewal depending on how many times you have already checked them out or if another patron has placed a request for the item.  You can renew each item or click on RENEW ALL to renew them all at once,  

There is other information about your account under My Library Card, such as any fines, request for books from other libraries, etc.


  • Last Updated Jul 29, 2020
  • Views 97
  • Answered By Candace Havely

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