What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
Interlibrary loan is a service that enables members of the Hawkeye community to obtain books, articles, and, on a more limited basis, audio-visual materials that are not currently available in our library. Basically, other libraries send copies or lend items to us that we then lend to you. Audiovisual material can sometimes also be accessed this way. Simply submit a request for what you are looking for and we will contact libraries that we exchange material with to see if they have the items you need and if they can loan them to us. Articles will be shipped to us electronically, while books and audiovisual materials will be sent via a courier service that stops at Hawkeye Community College twice a week.
Interlibrary loan services are open to all Hawkeye students, faculty, and staff. Community members should use what interlibrary loan services are offered by their public library of choice. Please note: If you have a fine of $20 or more, we cannot process any ILL requests for you until the fines are paid.