Where can I return library books?

Due to the necessarily flexible nature of Hawkeye's pandemic response, these details are subject to change.


For students, staffm faculty and community patrons, generally no daily overdue fines are assessed on most books (Accuplacer/TEAS study guides excluded). 

  • Return books to the Hawkeye Library; please see our website for current hours of operation.
  • Return books to the Library’s book drop anytime. Look for the big sign on the side of the Library’s north entrance for the location of the book drop.
  • Return books to your local Iowa public library and they will return the book to us at no charge to you. 
  • Return your books to any of these participating Iowa academic libraries. (UNI, Wartburg, the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, etc.).

Please note that if you never return books you have checked out, we will eventually bill you for their replacement and you will have a hold placed on your College record.

  • Last Updated Aug 18, 2022
  • Views 188
  • Answered By Candace Havely

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